
Sunday, March 28, 2021

cover from France

On 25th February I got two covers including one from France.

The two French Year of the Ox stamps (issued 08-02-2021) were used on the cover and got cancelled with the special postmark from the philatelic shop in Boulogne-sur-Mer.

Thank You very much William!

cover from Neumayer-Station III

On 25th February I got two covers including one from Germany.

I sent this cover to myself and it was on a very long journey. Carried onboard of the FS Polarstern, this cover stayed in Neumayer-Station III, Germany's Antarctic Base, over the winter. The stamp I used is inscribed "Environmental Protection is Health Protection" (issued 03-09-2020) and was cancelled with a pictorial postmark of the FS Polarstern. In the lower left corner there is also a cachet of the Neumayer-Station III. In the upper left corner there is finally a sticker showing a sailor with a face mask and the dates of this mission to Antarctica.

cover from the USA

On 23rd February I got a cover from the USA.

Three stamps were used on the cover, of which two are from the set about Wild and Scenic Rivers (issued 21-05-2019). The postmark is about America's Beautiful National Parks and judging from the postmark date this cover travelled over three months.

Thank You very much Sam-Quito!

Estonia: Põltsamaa Museum

On 20th February I got three postcards: one from Estonia, one from Germany and one from Belarus.

The card from Estonia shows Põltsamaa Museum. Põltsamaa Museum is located in Põltsamaa Castle, which dates back to a defensive crusader castle of the Livonian Order from the late 13th century. Over the course of the centuries the castle often changed hands. For example it was the official residence of Magnus of Holstein, the titular King of Livonia between 1570 and 1578.

The Estonian Year of the Ox stamp (issued 12-02-2021) was used on the card.

Thank You very much Carmen!

Belarus: Reinhold von Bissing

On 20th February I got three postcards: one from Belarus, one from Estonia and one from Germany.

The card from Belarus shows Reinhold von Bissing, who was postmaster of Vilnius in the 17th century.

The Belarusian Year of the Ox stamp (issued 08-02-2021) was used on this card and got cancelled with the new permanent special Postcrossing postmark from Minsk. 

Thank You very much Igor!

Germany: Ufa-Kristallpalast

On 20th February I got three postcards: one from Germany, one from Belarus and one from Estonia.

The card from Germany shows the Ufa-Kristallpalast in Dresden. The Ufa-Kristallpalast is a cinema opened in 1998. It was designed by the architecture firm Coop Himmelb(l)au and is one of the most famous examples of Deconstructivist architecture in Germany.

I bought this card on the Internet and instead of keeping it unwritten, I sent it to myself using the new Matrixcode stamp (issued 04-02-2021) and its First Day Special Postmark. 

Germany: Bortfeld

On 19th February I got a postcard from Germany.

It is an old card of Bortfeld. Bortfeld is a village in Lower Saxony. It was first mentioned in 1308 and is eponymous for a German noble family. In 1974 Bortfeld was incorporated to Wendeburg. Not far away from Braunschweig, it is the location of one of the four branches of the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum, the Farm House Museum Bortfeld, which however is closed already for years due to renovations. I am not sure whether the old farmhouse shown on the card is actually the museum. Maybe I should undertake a bike ride to Bortfeld this year. It would be interesting to see how all these places look like today. 

The stamp used here was one of my favourites in 2017, as it shows a painting by Johann Vermeer from the collection of the Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum here in Braunschweig. It was cancelled with the Covid-19 postmark from the mail sorting centre 38 in Braunschweig. For me it is the first time to see it in blue. In February the colour of the German postmarks was switched from black to blue due to the new Matrixcode stamps.

 Thank You very much Christine!

Germany: Mother Hulda

On 18th February I got four postcards from Germany.

Two of them show Mother Hulda. Mother Hulda or Frau Holle is a German fairy tale collected by the Grimm Brothers. It tells the story of the encounter of two girls with Mother Hulda, who brings the snow by shaking the featherbed. The character of Mother Hulda allegedly dates back to pre-Christian times and survived in popular belief until the 19th century. The first card shows an illustration by Aurélie Blanz. 

Mother Hulda is this year the theme of the German Welfare stamps (issued 04-02-2021). Like usual three stamps were issued and the lowest value became available in three versions, gummed, self-adhesive from booklet and self-adhesive from coil. These three versions with their related First Day Special Postmarks I used on this card.

The second card shows an illustration by Gabriela de Carvalho. While I got the first card through a swap, this one I bought online.

On this card I used the middle value stamp from the set and the First Day Special Postmark from Berlin. I like this set! The third stamp you can see on my blog about Childhood Heroes on Stamps.

Thank You very much Anita for helping me with the first card!

Germany: Synagogues in Dresden and Essen

On 18th February I got four postcards from Germany.

One of them shows the New Synagogue in Dresden. The New Synagogue in Dresden was built between 1998 and 2001 on the location of the former Semper Synagogue, which was destroyed in 1938. It was the first newly built synagogue in East Germany. Due to construction defects the building is leaking.

This year we celebrate 1700 years of Jewish Life in Germany. This related stamp was issued on 4th February. While the stamp itself is rather plain, I really like this postmark highlighting great Jewish contributions to German culture. 

The card above I had ordered on the Internet for the stamp, but I was also able to swap for a second card of a synagogue. That one returned on the same day and shows the Old Synagogue in Essen. The Old Synagogue of Essen was built between 1911 and 1913. It is one of the largest, best preserved and architecturally most impressive testimonies to Jewish culture in pre-war Germany. Today it is used as cultural meeting place and museum.

I used the same stamp on the card and got it cancelled with the second official First Day Special Postmark. 

Thank You very much Marcel for helping me with the second card!

Germany's New Matrixcode Stamp

On 18th February I got not only four postcards but also a cover from Germany.

I sent this cover to myself and used our new stamp about Digital Change (issued 04-02-2021). This is the first German stamp with the new Matrixcode. Starting next year, every new German stamp will be defaced by this ugly code that enables an unnessecary and poorly working very rudimentary tracking function. I actually like this new stamp, but hate the idea that soon every stamp will get such a code. Luckily this year only a few stamps will get it. This stamp was issued in two versions, gummed and self-adhesive. Used here is the self-adhesive version with its First Day of Usage Postmark. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Gabon: Paysage des Hauts-Plateaux

On 17th February I got three postcards: my first card from Gabon, one from Macau and one from Austria.

Gabon is a country on the west coast of Central Africa. It is bordered by Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and the Republic of Congo. Gabon is one of the most properous countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, but due to inequality in income distribution a significant proportion of the population remains poor. Independent from France since 1960, the country's capital is Libreville. 

I could not find anything about the place on the card, but in times like this it is still very special to add a new country to my collection. I actually already swapped for it last March, but there were mail suspensions for a long time between Gabon and Germany.

The stamp is from a big set about the members of Gabon's Constitutional Court (issued 26-01-2019). This one shows Marie Mborantsuo, who is the court's president since its foundation in 1991.

Thank You very much Mike for arranging this card for me!

Austria: WESTbahn

On 17th February I got three postcards: one from Austria, my first card from Gabon and one from Macau.

The card from Austria shows a train of WESTbahn. WESTbahn is a railway company founded in 2011. It only operates one line, which connects Salzburg and Vienna via Linz and Sankt Pölten. 

WESTbahn is this year the theme of Austria's railway stamp series. This matching stamp (issued 11-02-2021) was used on the card and got cancelled with the First Day Special Postmark. Like all stamps from the series this is a great looking one. 

Thank You very much Anita!

Macau: Year of the Ox

On 17th February I got three postcards: one from Macau, one from Austria and my first card from Gabon.

The card from Macau is a Year of the Ox card.

Like usual Macau Post also issued this year a set of "normal" stamps about the Chinese New Year and a label stamp. The label stamp about this Year of the Ox (issued 20-01-2021) was used on the card and got cancelled with the First Day Special Postmark. To note that this year the label stamp was issued on time, while last year it had been postponed multiple times due to Covid-19. A second stamp was used to cover the postage for a card to Germany.

Two cachets were applied to the card as well. One of them promotes the fight against Covid-19.

Thank You very much Jerry!

As I did not expect to find someone to swap with in Macau, I ordered the "normal" Year of the Ox stamps in early January. They finally arrived here on 11th March. Actually it was said last year that a new series was started with the Year of the Rat, but these stamps are completely different. I really wonder why they changed the plans.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Taiwan: Year of the Ox Meet-up and Postcrossing Postmark

On 13th February I got three postcards: one from Taiwan and two from Hong Kong.

The card from Taiwan is about a Year of the Ox Postcrossing Meet-up.

Unfortunately the card was not signed during that meet-up, but it is still a very special piece of mail. First there is the stamp, which is not about this year's Year of the Ox, but about the penultimate one in 1997. This makes the stamp so special for me, as I was born in that Year of the Ox. The stamp had been issued already on 2nd December 1996 and is from a set of two. And second there is this great new Postcrossing postmark for my collection, which also keeps the Year of the Ox theme. I love this card!

Thank You very much Ringo!

Hong Kong: Year of the Ox Meet-up

On 13th February I got three postcards: two from Hong Kong and one from Taiwan.

The first card from Hong Kong is a Postcrossing Meet-up Card about the Year of the Ox. I guess it depicts a Chinese legend, but I do not know its name. Maybe someone does? Similar meet-ups were held in other cities in Mainland China. On the backside the card lists Jinan, Xian, Yngkou, Yangzhou, Chenzhou, Wenzhou, Gongguan, Taiyuan, Chongqing, Ningbo and Zhongshan. 

The card was signed during the meet-up. One of Hong Kong's four Year of the Ox stamps (issued 28-01-2021) was used and got cancelled with a nice postmark of ox and rat. 

The second card from Hong Kong is a different card about the same meet-up. 

A different Year of the Ox stamp was used and got cancelled with a different special postmark.

Thank You very much Kayee!

covers from the USA

On 13th February I got not only three postcards but also three covers from the USA.

The first of them is all about Valentine's Day. It was cancelled in the small village Romeo in Michigan and all three stamps somehow are connected to love. 

The card inside shows a Navajo Hogan, a traditional house. 

Also the second cover got a Valentine's Day postmark. This one is from Bliss in New York State. I honestly had to look the word up, but just like Romeo this is a good name for a love themed post office. Two more stamps from the National Parks set (issued 02-06-2016) were used.

The card inside shows Clay Moons.

The postmark on the last cover honours Arturo Alfonso Schomburg, a historian and important intellectual person of the Harlem Renaissance. Interestingly this postmark is from Puerto Rico, where he was born. I think it is the first time that I get a piece of mail sent from there. Although the stamps look similar to the national park ones, they are actually from a different set of twelve about Wild and Scenic Rivers (issued 21-05-2019).

Thank You very much Sam-Quito!

Hong Kong: Giant Panda

On 11th February I got a postcard from Hong Kong.

It is one of the six maxicards about Ocean Park issued last year, this is the one about the Giant Panda. You can see the whole set here. Apparently using the stamp on the front side is enough, as there is no other stamp on the backside. This is an official card. 

Thank You very much Matthäus!

cover from Spain

On 11th February I got not only a postcard but also a cover from Spain.

Five interesting stamps were used on it. I especially like the one in the middle about Mediterranean Archaeology (issued 13-09-2007). It is a joint issue with Greece and shows a bust of Asclepius from the collection of the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.

In the cover were some used stamps and this card showing an early design of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. This was sent through official Postcrossing.

Thank You very much Siurana!

Year of the Ox from Slovenia

On 6th February I got my stamp order.

Among the stamps I ordered was this year's Year of the Ox stamp (issued 29-01-2021).

Sunday, March 21, 2021

cover from Italy

On 4th February I got a cover from Italy.

Three stamps were used on the cover, two definitives from the lovely Women in Art series and one about the Renaissance Walls in Lucca (issued 30-11-2013). They were cancelled with two different special postmarks. 

In the cover was a written and stamped postcard.

It shows the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The Leaning Tower was began in 1173 as standalone tower of Pisa's Cathedral, but a few years after the construction started it began to lean to one side. Due to that the construction was stopped for roughly 100 years, resumed, stopped again and just finished in 1372. The tower is one of the four buildings on the Piazza del Duomo, an important centre of European medieval art. Nowadays the Leaning Tower is one of the most famous buildings of Italy and the whole square is regarded as one of the World's finest architectural complexes. The Piazza del Duomo is since 1987 on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

A stamp about one of Pisa's most famous sons was used on the card. It commemorates the 850th birthday of Leonardo Fibonacci (issued 23-11-2020), who is said to have been the greatest European mathematician of the Middle Ages. He popularised the Hindu-Arabic numeral system in Europa and is also known for the Fibonacci numbers. The stamp was cancelled with a First Day Special Postmark.

Thank You very much Erika!

Germany: Spongebob

Last summer I was very surprised to discover that Spongebob makes a very small appearance on a German. As so far there had been no real Spongebob stamp, I nonetheless decided to add it to my collection of Childhood Heroes on Stamps. When I later that year ordered some postcards from Redbubble, I also added this one to my order and used the related stamp on. 

Unfortunately I forgot to take the card with me to the post office in January to get it cancelled, so just got it cancelled in February. This however means that the postmark was now blue (will tell you later why), which actually looks even better. Can you spot Spongebob on the stamp?

France: Corrèze

On 2nd February I got a postcard from France.

It shows various places in the Corrèze department in Southwestern France. Named after a river, its capital is Tulle (lower left corner), while Brive (middle) is the most populated commune. Corrèze was one of the original departments created during the French Revolution in 1790 and two French Presidents, Jacques Chirac and François Hollande, are connected to the department. 

The card was cancelled in the philatelic shop in Tulle and as you can see it had travelled for a rather long time. Cancelled on the last day of 2020, the wonderful French Beethoven stamp (issued 26-10-2020) was used on it. In a Review and Overview of the Beethoven 2020 Stamps on my history blog I selected this one as my favourite.

Thank You very much William!