
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Taiwan: Year of the Rabbit

Yesterday I got four postcards. Two of them were from Taiwan. One of them shows two rabbits celebrating the Year of the Rabbit 2011. The Rabbit (Chinese: 卯 măo) is one of the twelve animals in the Chinese Calendar and the next Year of the Rabbit will be 2023. The people born in the Year of the Rabbit are docile, talented and ambitious.
There is also a matching stamp on the front site of the card:
Year of the Rabbit (from set of two) (issued 01-12-2010).

Berries (from set of four) (issued 17-04-2013),
Greetings (from set of four) (issued 22-05-2013)
and twice a Flower stamp (from set of four) (issued 14-10-2009)

Thank You very much George!

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