
Saturday, November 16, 2013

China: Terracotta Army

On Monday I got two postcards: one from China and one from Lithuania.

The card from China shows the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. The Emperor was called Qin Shi Huang and was born in 259 BC in Handan. He arranged for his burial place long before his accession to the seat of supreme power. In 247 BC he became the king in Qin and his geomancers found a place for the mausoleum at the foot of Mount Li. After every success over his rivals the work was commenced and carried out more energetically and when the Empire of Ten Thousand Generations was proclaimed in 221 BC the work took an extraordinary dimension. About 700.000 workers from all provinces laboured at the Mausoleum in which is also a urban plane of the capital Xianyang. After the death of Qin Shi Huang in 210 BC the second emperor ordered that the principal craftsmen should be walled up. 
The postcard shows the Terracotta Army which was also found in the Mausoleum. There are three pits with 1087 warriors in the Pit 1, 1500 warriors, carts and horses in Pit 2 and 68 officers and dignitaries and a cart with four horses in Pit 3. Since 1987 the Mausoleum and the Terracotta Army are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

With nice stamps:
Table Tennis (whole set) (issued 27-09-2013)
(It is a joint issue with Sweden)
Games of the XXX Olympiad (two from set of four) (issued 27-07-2012)

Thank You very much Kun!

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