
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Russia: Virgin Komi Forests

On Wednesday I got a postcard from Russia.

The card shows the Virgin Komi Forests. The Virgin Komi Forests are located in the north-western region of the Komi Republic and cover 3.28 million ha of tundra and mountain tundra in the Urals. European and Asian animals live there, thus there are some 43 mammal, 204 bird and 16 fish species recorded. Some of them are the Beaver, the Wolverine and the Brown Bear. Since 1995 are the Virgin Komi Forests a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Russian Kremlins-Novgorod and Kazan (two from set of twelve) (issued 01-10-2009)
Weapons of the Victory (from set of four) (issued 16-04-2012)

Thank You very much Anastasia!

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