
Monday, May 26, 2014

Egypt: Saint Catherine's Monastery

Today I got two postcards: my first card from Egypt and one from Croatia.

Egypt is a country in northeast Africa and southwest Asia (Sinai) bordering on Libya, Sudan, Israel and the Gaza Strip. In Egypt one of the first advanced civilisations of the World arose. The capital of Egypt is Cairo. 

The card shows the Saint Catherine's Monastery on Sinai. The monastery was founded between 548 and 568 and is thus the oldest monastery of the Christianity being still in use. According to the legend God appears Moses as Burning Bush at the Mount Horeb near the monastery. Here got Moses also the Tablets of the Law. The area is sacred to the three world religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism). Because of its isolated location it is one of the few monasteries that was never destroyed. Since 2002 is the Saint Catherine Area an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

With nice stamp:
World Post Day (issued 09-10-2013)

Thank You very much David!

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