
Monday, July 28, 2014

Germany: Abbey of Lorsch

Today I got three postcards: one from Germany and two from Spain.

The card from Germany shows the Gatehouse of the Abbey of Lorsch. The Gatehouse was built in 774 by Benedictine Monks and is thus regarded the oldest, still standing German building of the post-Roman time.
The Abbey of Lorsch was during the Middle Ages one of the most important claustral centres of Central Europe. The Abbey and Altenmünster of Lorsch have been since 1991 an UNESCO World Heritage Site and the "Lorscher Arzneibuch" written in the Abbey is since 2013 a part of the Memory of the World Programme of the UNESCO. 
I got this card a few weeks ago in an envelope.

With matching stamp:
1250 years Abbey of Lorsch (issued 02-01-2014)
with a matching special postmark from Lorsch for the main festival of the jubilee

Thank You very much "Janet" for sending me the card in an envelope!

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