
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Germany: Karlsruhe Palace

Today I got not only two postcards, but also a cover from Germany.

Football World Champion Germany (issued 17-07-2014)

Inside were two postcards.
One of them is from Losheim am See and I will use it later to get a special postmark.
The other card shows the Karlsruhe Palace. The Karlsruhe Palace was built from 1715 onwards at the behest of Margrave Charles III William and was from then until 1918 the residence of the Margraves and later Grand Dukes of Baden. Since 1921 it houses the Badisches Landesmuseum. In the World War II it was destroyed but rebuilt between 1949 and 1966.

The card was signed by all attendees of the Postcrossing Meet-up in Karlsruhe.

Thank You very much Hanko!

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