
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Italy: Saint Peter's Basilica

Today I got seven postcards: two from Italy, two from the Vatican and my first three cards from Monaco.

One of the cards from Italy shows the Saint Peter's Basilica. The Saint Peter's Basilica is 211m long, 186m wide, 132m high and in the basilica there is enough space for 600,000 people. In 1506 Pope Julius II charged Donato Bramante with the construction of a new basilica on the place were Constantin built an old basilica on the grave of Saint Peter. Until the finishing 120 years passed and during this time many different popes brought forward their own ideas and so the best builders of Italy were involved to build the basilica.

With a matching stamp:
150th death anniversary of Giuseppe Gioachino Belli (issued 23-11-2013)
Giuseppe Gioachino Belli was an Italian poet famous for his sonnets in the Roman dialect. In his last years he worked as censor for the pope.

Thank You very much William!

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