
Monday, November 3, 2014

Austria: St. Peter's Church and the St. Stephan's Cathedral

Today I got three postcards: two from my recent trip to Vienna and one from Hong Kong.

One of the cards from Vienna shows the St. Peter's Church and the St. Stephan's Cathedral. The St. Stephan's Cathedral was built in 1137 and is one of Austria's most important Gothic buildings. I jumped at the chance to go to the highest reachable point of the cathedral and to be honest it is not as half comfortable as the ascent to the Dresden Frauenkirche or the St. Peter's Basilica. Not like in the other churches there is just one way for descent and ascent instead of two and it is a very narrow circular staircase. But from the little room at the top you have a great view on Vienna and you can even buy souvenirs there.

With a nice stamp:
80th birthday of Udo Jürgens (issued 18-10-2014)

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