
Sunday, November 2, 2014

cover from Australia

During my city trip to Vienna arrived not only many postcards but also a cover from Australia.

With a nice stamp:
Royal Visit (from set of two) (issued 08-07-2014)
The Royal Visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to New Zealand and Australia is the first royal tour of them as married couple. The stamp shows a photo taken at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney.

In the cover were some World War I related stamp sets issued by Australia in 2014.
One of them is the official World War I Centenary stamp sheet (issued 22-04-2014) and consists of five stamps.
Australia declared war on Germany on 4th August 1914 and pledged Britain 20000 troops. In the whole country volunteers queued to enlist. The first conflict in which Australia was involved was the capture of German New Guinea where Australian troops landed on 11th September. The Australians trained at the Mena Camp in Egypt.

The other stamp set remembers the Centenary of Australian Military Aviation and Submarines (issued 05-08-2014) and consists of two stamps.
The first Australian military air plane flew on 1st March 1914 at the army flying point Point Cook. Australia established as only British dominion a flying corps for service in World War I.
Australia first two submarines arrived in Sydney on 24th May 1914 and were both used in the capture of German New Guinea. The first submarine disappeared on 14th September 1914 and the second was scuttled by an Ottoman gunboat after it supported the British troops in Gallipoli.

In the cover was also the "Troops depart" stamp from the first stamp set with a pictorial postmark from Lismore.

Thank You very much Krystiina!

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