
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Germany: Hildesheim Cathedral

Today I got six postcards from Germany.

One of them shows the Hildesheim Cathedral. The Hildesheim Cathedral was built from 1010 to 1020 in the Ottonian Romanesque style. After it was destroyed in World War II it was rebuilt from 1950 to 1960. The Hildesheim Cathedral is since 1985 together with the St. Michael's Church on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
I bought this card when I recently visited the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Hildesheim.

Glücksburg Castle (from set of two) (issued 02-01-2013)

I also bought some other cards cards of the Hildesheim Cathedral.
One of them shows the interior with the Bernward Doors, the Bronze baptismal font and the Hezilo chandelier.

The other cards I bought show famous works of art from the cathedral's treasures. The treasure of the Hildesheim Cathedral belongs to the big church treasures of Europe. The cards show parts of the Bernward Gospels, the Silver Cross of Bernward, the Lion Aquamanile and the Eagle lectern. The treasure of the Hildesheim Museum is shown at the Hildesheim Cathedral Museum.

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