
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Germany: Martin Luther in Erfurt

Today I got two postcards from Germany.

One of them shows various places in Erfurt concerning Martin Luther. In 1501 Martin Luther started his studies in Erfurt. He studied the seven liberal arts and after finishing in 1505 he started at his father's request law studies. But when he returned from Mansfeld to Erfurt on 2nd July 1505 there was a big thunderstorm and he pledged to become a monk if he is saved. According to his pledge he joined the Augustinian Monastery in Erfurt as he was saved. In 1511 he moved from Erfurt to Wittenberg. The card shows a painting of Martin Luther by Lucas Cranach the Elder, the Augustinian Monastery with Luther's cubicle, the door of Erfurt's old university, the Luther Memorial and the Luther Bible.

Janosch (from set of two) (issued 01-03-2013)

Thank You very much Hanko!

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