
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Germany: Mines of Rammelsberg

Today I got ten postcards: five from Germany, one from Indonesia, one from Taiwan, one from South Korea, one from the Philippines and one from Turkey.

One of the cards from Germany shows the Mines of Rammelsberg. The mining at the Rammelsberg was first mentioned in 968 and was continued until 1988 when it was ended because of depletion of the deposit. Mined were mineral ores for the production of silver, lead, copper, zinc and others metals. After the shut-down of the mines a unique museum was created. Today are the Mines of Rammelsberg a National Geotope, an Anchor Point of the European Route of Industrial Heritage and since 1992 a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
I sent this card to me after I recently visited Goslar.

On the backside I also affixed the stamp of the Harzer Wandernadel No. 91 (Rammelsberg).
Glücksburg Castle (from set of two) (issued 02-01-2013)

At the museum shop of the Rammelsberg I bought some other cards showing the surface plant and the underground.
One of them shows the Headframe.

Two of them show the Roeder-gallery. The water wheels in the Roeder-gallery were used for the drainage of the mines and for the ore mining.

The last card shows the mine train.

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