
Saturday, March 7, 2015

India: Nilgiri Mountain Railway

Yesterday I got two postcards: one from India and one from Indonesia.

The card from India shows the Nilgiri Mountain Railway. The Nilgiri Mountain Railway was built from 1891 to 1908 and is located in Tamil Nadu. It goes from an evaluation of 326m up to 2203m. The Nilgiri Mountain Railway was added as extension on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2005.

Definitives (two from set of five) (issued 01-03-2009)
25 years Convention of the Rights of of the Child (from set of two) (issued 28-11-2014)
It is a joint issue with Slovenia.
Indian musicians (from set of eight) (issued 03-09-2014)

Thank You very much Prashanth!

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