
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Germany: Norderney

Today I got two postcards from Germany.

One of them shows Norderney. Norderney is one of the seven populated East Frisian Islands. It is located in the North Sea and belongs to the German state of Lower Saxony. It is Germany's tenth-largest island.
I got this card a few weeks ago in a cover.

Centenary of World War I (issued 07-08-2014)
with a special postmark about Poppe Folkerts
Poppe Folkerts was born in 1875 on Norderney, where he also died in 1949. He was one of Germany's most important marine painters. During World War I he went as war artist to the Western front. His paintings were used in the Illustrirte Zeitung, a newspaper from Leipzig.

Thank You very much Liane for sending me the card in an envelope!

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