
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Germany: Wolfenbüttel

Today I got three postcards: one from Germany, one from Vietnam and one from Australia.

The card from Germany shows various views of Wolfenbüttel. Wolfenbüttel is a city in Lower Saxony. Between 1432 and 1753 was Wolfenbüttel the capital of the Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. Today it is the seat of the bishop of the Protestant Lutheran State Church of Brunswick.
I sent this card to me after I recently visited Wolfenbüttel.

Glücksburg Castle (from set of two) (issued 02-01-2013)

I visited Wolfenbüttel to see the special exhibition "Here is ruled!" in the New Ducal Office. The New Ducal Office houses since 1956 the Department of Prehistory and Early History of the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum. The permanent exhibition of the museum is very interesting and has many things to do-it-yourself. For example you can grind cereals or light a fire.
Unfortunately they did not had postcards of the special exhibition, but I bought some cards of the permanent exhibition. 

Without knowing it before during my trip on Sunday there was Sunday shopping in Wolfenbüttel, so I had the possibility to buy some other cards.
One of them shows the yard of the Wolfenbüttel Castle. The Wolfenbüttel Castle is the second largest preserved castle in Lower Saxony. Between 1283 and 1754 it was used by the Dukes of Brunswick-Lüneburg as residence in Wolfenbüttel. Today it houses a school, a museum and the Bundesakademie für kulturelle Bildung.
I bought the card directly at the museum shop of the castle.

Another card I bought shows the Residence of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Lessing lived in the house from 1777 until his death in 1781. He already lived in Wolfenbüttel since 1770 and worked as librarian at the Herzog August Library. Today it houses a museum about Lessing. The postcard shows also the statue of Nathan the Wise in front of the house.
I bought this card in a book shop.

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