
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Germany: History of Braunschweig

Today I got six postcards: four from Germany, one from Malaysia and one from Australia.

One of the German cards is the Chronicle card of Braunschweig. According to the legend Braunschweig was already founded in 861. Henry the Lion extended the city and built the cathedral between 1173 and 1195. In 1260 Braunschweig joined the Hanseatic League. Between 1235 and 1432 and between 1753 and 1815 was Braunschweig the capital of the Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel and between 1815 and 1918 the capital of the Duchy of Brunswick. The city was heavily damaged during World War II, but was restored after its end.
I sent this card to me to start a new collection of Chronicle cards by the German Schöning Verlag.

Felix the Rabbit (from set of two) (issued 02-03-2015)

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