
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Myanmar: Bagan

This is the 900th post on my blog! Thank You all of you for sending me all this nice postcards and covers with so many nice stamps!

Yesterday I got three postcards: my first card from Myanmar, one from Germany and one from Estonia.

Myanmar is a country in Southeast Asia bordering on Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand. Myanmar is officially called the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, but is also known as Burma. The capital of Myanmar is Naypyidaw.

The card shows Bagan. Bagan is one of the largest archaeological sites in Southeast Asia with over 2000 Buddhist monuments. Between the 9th and the 13th century it was the capital of the Kingdom of Pagan, the first kingdom unifying the regions of today's Myanmar. The stone inscriptions in Bagan are the most reliable source of the history of this kingdom. The site is one of Myanmar's most important tourist destinations. Bagan Archaeological Area and Monuments seeks for the inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Bagan is one of the new UNESCO World Heritage Sites of 2019.

With nice stamp:
27th SEA Games (from set of eight) (issued 02-09-2013)
The stamp shows the mascots of the games, the owls Shwe Yoe and Ma Moe.
with a special postmark from the General Post Office in Yangon

Thank You very much Matthew!

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