
Friday, June 12, 2015

Germany: Bauhaus Exhibition 1923

Yesterday I got three postcards: two from Germany and one from France.

One of the cards from Germany uses the motive of an old postcard printed for the Bauhaus Exhibition 1923 in Weimar.
I got this card a few weeks ago in a cover.

With related stamps:
Fagus Factory (issued 02-10-2014)
The Fagus Factory was built in 1911 by Walter Gropius, the founder of the Bauhaus.
800 Years Dessau (issued 01-07-2013)
The Bauhaus in Dessau was built between 1925 and 1926 following the designs of Walter Gropius. Dessau became the new place of activity after the Bauhaus School had been expelled from Weimar.
50 years Diplomatic Relations with Israel (issued 07-05-2015)
The White City in Tel Aviv was mainly built in the 1930s by Jewish architects having got their qualification at the Bauhaus and had to left Germany after the takeover of the National Socialists.
with a special postmark from the Bauhaus Days in Dessau

Thank You very much Claas for sending me the card in an envelope!

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