
Friday, June 5, 2015

Germany: History of Husum

On Wednesday I got four postcards: two from Germany, one from Estonia and one from New Zealand.

One of the cards from Germany is the Chronicle card of Husum. Husum was first mentioned in 1252 and got the  town privileges in 1603. Between the 16th and the 18th century was Husum the most important German port and trade city on the North Sea. Theodor Storm was born in Husum in 1817 and after his death in 1888 he was buried in Husum. Because of one of his poems Husum is known as Grey City on the Sea. Today is Husum a part of Schleswig- Holstein.

The card was sent from the Postcrossing Meet-up in Husum.
Felix the Rabbit (from set of two) (issued 02-03-2015)

Thank You very much Sabine!

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