
Saturday, June 20, 2015

United Kingdom: Broadstairs

Yesterday I got four postcards: one from the United Kingdom, two from Germany and one from New Zealand.

The card from the United Kingdom shows the Quay and the Bleak House in Broadstairs. Broadstairs is a small town in England. The Bleak House was visited by Charles Dickens in his summer holidays. The novella Bleak House is named after the house. Here Dickens wrote the novel David Copperfield. 

Queen's head
World War I Centenary (from set of six) (issued 14-05-2015)
Rifleman Kulbir Thapa was a Nepalese Gurkha fighting in World War I. In the Battle of Loos he was wounded and separated from his battalion, but was still able the rescue three wounded soldiers, one British soldier and two Nepalese Gurkhas. He was the first Nepalese Gurkha to be awarded the Victoria Cross.

Thank You very much William!

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