
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Germany: History of Worms

Yesterday I got five postcards: three from Germany, my first card from Tibet and one from the United Kingdom.

One of the cards from Germany is the Chronicle of Worms. Worms is one of the oldest German cities. In the 1st Century BCE became Worms the capital of the Vangiones, but was short after captured by the Romans. In the 4th century was it centre for the Burgundians. Between the 8th and the 16th century more than hundred Imperial Diets took place in Worms. Since 1945 it is a part of the German State of Rhineland-Palatinate. 
I got this card a few weeks ago in a cover.

Centenary of World War I (issued 07-08-2014)
with a special postmark about the prisoner of war camp in Worms

Thank You very much Petra for sending me the card in an envelope!

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