
Monday, August 17, 2015

Milan and the Expo

On Monday and Tuesday I visited the Expo in Milan and there I bought many postcards. I got postcards from Switzerland, Chile, Estonia, Maldives, North Korea, Egypt, Tanzania, South Korea, Angola and Bangladesh and also some Italian postcards.

The Expo 2015 started on 1st May and will close on 31st October. Its Motto is Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. 145 countries participate either with self-built pavilions or in clusters. Its is the second time that Milan hosts a Universal exposition.

One of the cards I bought shows Foody. Foody is the official mascot of the Expo.

Another card I bought shows the Italian Pavilion at the Expo ground.

Although I did not visited Milan itself, I managed to get some cards of famous sights in the city.
Milan is the second largest city of Italy and the capital of the Lombardy. It is Italy's most important industrial town.
One of the cards I bought shows the Milan Cathedral. The Milan Cathedral was built between 1386 and 1965. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Milan and one of the largest churches in the World.
The Milan Cathedral has its own pavilion at the Expo ground, there I bought the card.

Another card I bought shows Santa Maria delle Grazie. Santa Maria delle Grazie is a church and Dominican convent.

The last Italian card I bought shows The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. It is located in Santa Maria delle Grazie. Santa Maria delle Grazie with The Last Supper is on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1980.

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