
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Germany: History of Augsburg

Today I got four cards from Germany.

One of them is the Chronicle card of Augsburg. Augsburg was founded as Augusta Vindelicorum in the 15th century BC by the Romans and was a provincial capital for a long time. Since the 8th century it is a bishop's see. In 1156 it got the town privileges and in 1276 it became a free imperial city. It later became a political, economic and cultural centre of the German Empire. The Fuggerei (lower picture) was founded by the Fugger family, an important family of bankers, in 1516 and is thus the World's oldest social housing complex still in use. In 1530 the Augsburg Confession, the primary confession of faith of the Lutheran Church, was presented at the Diet of Augsburg. In 1555 the Peace of Augsburg was closed, which officially ended the struggle between Emperor Charles V and the Schmalkaldic League. After a demise during the Thirty Years' War Augsburg became again an industry and trade city in modern times. During World War II the city was heavily damaged, but until 1963 it was rebuilt. Today is Augsburg the third largest city of the German State of Bavaria. Its complex system of water management, including the decorative fountains (upper right corner), seeks for the inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Chiemsee (from set of two) (issued 01-07-2015)

Thank You very much Svea!

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