
Friday, January 15, 2016

India: Periyar National Park in the Western Ghats

Today I got five postcards: one from India, one from France, two from Germany and one from India

The card from India shows a group of elephants at the Periyar National Park in the Western Ghats. The Western Ghats are a mountain chain along the western side of India. It is one of the best examples of the monsoon system in the World and is considered to be one of the World’s "hottest hotspots" of biological diversity. The Periyar National Park was established in 1982. It is known for its elephants and tigers. The Western Ghats are since 2012 on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Liver Transplantation in India (issued 30-04-2014)
Peti Charkha (from set of two) (issued 15-10-2015)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (from set of nine) (issued 01-12-2008)

Thank You very much Kaushik!

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