
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Brazil: Serra da Capivara National Park

On Monday I got three postcards: one from Brazil, one from Spain and my first card from Ghana.

The card from Brazil shows one of the Pedra Furada sites at the Serra da Capivara National Park in the Brazilian State of PiauĂ­. The Serra da Capivara National Park was established in 1979. It contains one of the oldest human communities of South America and is known for its cave paintings, which are said to be more than 25000 years old and thus forced scientists the rethink the classical theories about the settlement of the Americas. The Serra da Capivara National Park is since 1991 on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Professions (from set of three) (issued 30-12-2005)
Missing Paintings by Candido Portinari (from set of five) (issued 26-05-2004)

Thank You very much Paulo!

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