
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Germany: Black Forest and Triberg

On Thursday I got five postcards: one from Germany, one from Japan, one from the USA, my first card from the Cook Islands and one from France.

The card from Germany shows various views of Triberg and the Black Forest. The Black Forest is a mountain range in the German State of Baden-Württemberg. The region is especially known for the Black Forest Cherry Cake and the Cuckoo clocks. Triberg is a town within the Black Forest. The Triberg Waterfalls, one of Germany's tallest waterfalls, and the World's largest Cuckoo Clock are located in there.

The card was sent from the Black Forest Postcrossing Meet-up in Triberg.
Lily of the Valley (issued 06-05-2010)

Thank You very much Jaan!

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