
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Germany: Green Vault in Dresden

Yesterday I got three postcards: one from Germany, one from Japan and one from the USA.

The card from Germany shows Jacob Zeller's Ivory Frigate. The Ivory Frigate is a Surtout de table made of ivory, gold and iron. It dates back to 1620 and was made at the behest of Elector John George I of Saxony. It is Jacob Zeller's best known and last creation, as he died short after its completion. The Ivory Frigate is today shown at the New Green Vault in Dresden.
I got this card a few weeks ago in a cover.

With a matching stamp:
Treasures of German Museums (from set of two) (issued 07-04-2016)
with First Day Special Postmark

In the cover was another card of the Green Vault. The Green Vault, or Grünes Gewölbe, is a museum in the Dresden Castle. It houses the largest collection of treasures in Europe. It was founded in 1723 by Augustus the Strong and is thus one of the oldest museums in the World. Today the collection is divided between two exhibitions, the Historic and the New Green Vault. The card shows the White Silver Room in the Historic Green Vault.

Thank You very much Amelie for sending me the cards in an envelope!

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