
Friday, June 17, 2016

Germany: Pforzheim

Today I got three postcards: one from Germany, one from the Åland Islands and one from Macao.

The card from Germany shows various views of Pforzheim. Pforzheim is a big city in the German State of Baden-Württemberg near the Black Forest. It is known as Golden City, as three quarters of the German jewelry are produced there. In 1888 Bertha Benz drove from Mannheim to Pforzheim with her husband's automobile, making the city the endpoint of the World's first long distance car drive. During World War II big parts of the city were destroyed, but it was later rebuilt. 

Pforzheim was the last missing German big city in my collection, so the collection is now completed. ^___^

Chiemsee (from set of two) (issued 01-07-2015)

Thank You very much Elena!

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