
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

India: Keoladeo National Park

The last week I was in Austria and during that time arrived eleven postcards including one from India.

It shows two Sarus Cranes in the Keoladeo National Park. The Keoladeo National Park was established in 1982. Every year it becomes the wintering area for thousands of migratory waterfowl from Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, China and Siberia. The Sarus Crane is just one of more than 350 bird species recorded in the park. The Keoladeo National Park is since 1985 on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (from set of nine) (issued 01-12-2008)
200 years First and Third Gorkha Rifles (from set of two) (issued 02-11-2015)
The First Gorkha Rifles was founded in 1815. At the beginning of World War I it was moved to the Western Front, but because the soldiers were not used to the cold winter they were moved to Mesopotamia in late 1915 to fight against the Ottoman Empire. 
Sumitranandan Pant (issued 23-12-2015)

Thank You very much Alex!

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