
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Germany: History of Cologne

Yesterday I got a postcard from Germany.

It is the Chronicle card of Cologne. Cologne was founded by the Romans around 50 BCE. It was the place of birth of Agrippina Minor, who it made a city in 50 AD. The city was also called after her Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium. In the 4th century the city was captured by the Franks and later became a bishop's see. In 1475 it was declared a free imperial city. Between 1801 and 1815 it was occupied by France and after the Congress of Vienna it became a part of Prussia. Today is Cologne the fourth largest city of Germany and an important economic and cultural centre. 

25 years 112 as emergency telephone number in Europe (issued 11-02-2016)

Thank You very much Marcel!

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