
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Germany: Sayn Castle and Sayn Palace

On Tuesday I got two postcards: one from Germany and one from Japan.

The card from Germany shows Sayn Castle, Sayn Palace and the fauna and flora of the Palace Garden. The Sayn Castle was built in the 12th century by the Counts of Sayn, but during the Thirty Years' War the castle was badly damaged. The Sayn Palace was built in the 14th century for the ministeriales of the Counts of Sayn. It was later renovated into Baroque style and in 1848 the manor house was bought by Ludwig zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, who got it again renovated, this time in the Gothic Revival style. During World War II it was damaged just like the Sayn Castle. Only in the 1980s Sayn Palace was rebuilt and the ruins of Sayn Castle were secured. 

The card was signed during the Postcrossing Meet-up in Bielefeld.
Saxon Switzerland (issued 02-06-2016)

Thank You very much Kate!

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