
Saturday, January 7, 2017

TAAF: Southern Rockhopper Penguins

Today I got my first postcard from the French Southern and Antarctic Lands. 

The French Southern and Antarctic Lands, Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF), is an overseas territory of France. It consists of the Kerguelen Islands, the Saint Paul and Amsterdam Islands, the Crozet Islands, Adélie Land and the Scattered Islands. Adélie Land is located on the continent of Antarctica, while all other islands are located in the Indian Ocean. Because of the Antarctic Treaty signed in 1959 the claim on Adélie Land is not recognised by the most countries and also the French claim on the Scattered Islands is disputed by the Comores, Madagascar and Mauritius. 

The card shows two Southern Rockhopper Penguins. The Southern Rockhopper Penguin is the smallest species of the Crested Penguins. It is native to the subantarctic waters of the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and around the southern coasts of South America including the Crozet Islands and the Kerguelen Islands.

The French Austral Lands and Seas is one of the new UNESCO Sites of 2019.

The card was sent from the Alfred Faure Station on the Crozet Islands.
With nice stamps:
TAAF Flag (three from set of five) (issued 28-02-2008)
Precious Stones (whole set) (issued 02-01-2016)

Thank You very much William!

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