
Thursday, January 26, 2017

United Kingdom: Travoys Arriving with Wounded at a Dressing-Station at Smol

Last Thursday I got three postcards from the United Kingdom.

One of them is a stamp card of 2016's World War I Centenary issue. It shows the painting Travoys Arriving with Wounded at a Dressing-Station at Smol by Stanley Spencer. The painting was commissioned by the British War Memorials Committee in 1918 and Spencer deals in the painting with his own experiences of September 1916, when he was in attendance of a battle on the Macedonian Front. It is today shown in the Imperial War Museum.

With a related stamp:
Queen's Head
World War I Centenary (from set of six) (issued 21-06-2016)
Not much is known about the life of Lottie Meade, but for sure it can be said that she worked in a munitions works during World War I and that she died of TNT poisoning.
During the war millions of women entered Britain’s workforce, while many others left work such as textile manufacturing and domestic service in favour of higher-paying war work.
with a special World War I postmark

Thank You very much Kwanjira!

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