
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Germany: Baden-Württemberg from Papersisters

On Saturday I got four postcards: one from Germany, one from Canada, one from the Philippines and one from France.

The card from Germany is Papersisters' German Landmark postcard of Baden-Württemberg. Baden-Württemberg is one of the States of the Federal Republic of Germany. It is located in Southern Germany and borders on Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, Bavaria, Switzerland and France. The modern state of Baden-Württemberg was created in 1952, when the three former states of Württemberg-Hohenzollern, Baden and Württemberg-Baden were merged. By area and population it is the third largest State of Germany. Stuttgart is the capital and largest city. Other big cities are Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Heilbronn, Ulm, Pforzheim and Reutlingen

With matching stamps:
50 years Baden-Württemberg (issued 04-04-2002)
Monastic Island of Reichenau (issued 02-01-2008)
Ludwigsburg Palace (issued 09-02-2017)
with a special postmark from Ludwigsburg

Recently I was also able to buy a maxicard of the Ludwigsburg Palace for my collection.

The Ludwigburg Palace was built between 1704 and 1733 at the behest of Duke Eberhard Ludwig of Württemberg. It is one of the Germany's largest Baroque palaces and around the palace Baroque model city of Ludwigsburg was built. Between 1730 and 1800 the royal residence of Württemberg changed several times between Ludwigsburg and Stuttgart. Today the Ludwigsburg Palace houses the Baroque Gallery, the Porcelain Museum and the Baroque Fashion Museum.

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