
Monday, August 21, 2017

Germany: Colossus of Prora

On Friday I got two postcards from Germany.

They both show the Colossus of Prora. The Colossus of Prora is a colossal Nazi-planned holiday resort on the island of RĂ¼gen and a particularly striking example of Third Reich architecture. It was built between 1936 and 1939 as a Strength Through Joy project and was designed to provide affordable holidays for the average worker, but was never used for this purpose. Later the buildings were used by the East German National Peoples Army. In recent years it was sold and redeveloped.

Lighthouses (from set of two) (issued 07-07-2016)

Lighthouses (from set of two) (issued 08-06-2017)

Thank You very much Ulf!

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