
Sunday, September 3, 2017

Germany: Brandenburg from Papersisters

On Monday I got a postcard from Germany.

It is Papersisters' German Landmark postcard of Brandenburg. Brandenburg is one of the States of the Federal Republic of Germany bordering on Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Poland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Lower Saxony. It also completely surrounds Berlin. The state was founded in 1990 and was earlier a part of the German Democratic Republic. Potsdam is the state's capital and only big city.

Among others the card shows the Einstein Tower, Rheinsberg Palace and the Brandenburg Gate in Potsdam.

With a matching stamp:
Sanssouci Palace (issued 01-03-2016)
with a special postmark showing the mail delivery by boat in the Spreewald

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