
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

My Trip to Berlin

This weekend I was in Berlin and there I got some cards for my collection.

The German-Russian Museum is housed in the former officers' mess of the Wehrmacht pioneer school, where the unconditional surrender of the German Wehrmacht was signed on 8th May 1945. Later it housed the headquarters of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany. In 1967 the Museum of the Unconditional Surrender of the Fascist Germany in the Great Patriotic War was opened in the building. After the German Reunification the museum was modernised and reopened as German-Russian Museum in 1995, which is dedicated to German-Soviet and German-Russian relations with a focus on the German-Soviet War. 

The Marienfelde Refugee Transit Camp was one of three camps operated by West Germany in West Berlin during the Cold War for dealing with the great waves of immigration from East Germany. It was opened in 1953 and was always densely populated until the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961. Today it is still in use, but since 1993 it also houses a museum about the emigration from East to West Germany.

The Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt Foundation was established in 1994. It serves to honour the memory of Brandt's political accomplishments and his commitment to peace, freedom and democracy. The main exhibition is shown in Berlin, but since 2007 there is also a second exhibition in Lübeck.

Europa Experience is a multimedia exhibition about the European Union. It was opened in 2016.

Unfortunately they did not have postcards of the exhibition, but luckily I got a set of cards about the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome there.

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