
Friday, December 29, 2017

My Trip to Bad Gandersheim

Yesterday I was in Bad Gandersheim and there I bought a few cards for my collection.

Bad Gandersheim is a small town in the Harz Foreland in southern Lower Saxony. It is known for its many timber-framed houses and mineral spring.

The Portal zur Geschichte is a museum with three exhibitions at two locations, the Abbey Church in Bad Gandersheim and the Brunshausen Abbey. Its main theme is the history of the Gandersheim Abbey and the exhibition of the church treasure. 

The Gandersheim Abbey Church is the collegiate church of the Gandersheim Abbey, which was founded in 852 by Duke Liudolf of Saxony, whose rich endowments ensured its stability and prosperity. Although the church is still used today, it also houses one of the exhibitions of the Portal zur Geschichte.

The Brunshausen Abbey was founded in the 9th century. Before the Gandersheim Abbey Church was finished, the Brunshausen Abbey was the home of its canonesses. Abbess Elisabeth of Saxe-Meiningen turned the abbey into an Baroque summer palace in the 18th century. Today the Brunshausen Abbey shows two exhibitions of the Portal zur Geschichte. One focuses on strong women who lived in Bad Gandersheim and the fine stitches the canonesses created and the other shows the Baroque mural paintings.

One of the most famous inhabitants of the Gandersheim Abbey was Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim, the first German poetess. Due to her Bad Gandersheim is included in the list of the extraordinary women places in Lower Saxony.

The Roswitha Fountain was unveiled in 1978. It shows Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim while she presents her writings to Otto the Great.

Yesterday I was also twice in Seesen, as I had to change trains there. Luckily I was able to buy also there a postcard for my collection.

Seesen is a town on the northwestern edge of the Harz mountain range. The small town was home to Israel Jacobsen, William Steinway and Wilhelm Busch.

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