
Sunday, May 27, 2018

German Karl Marx Stamp, Postcards and Special Postmarks

Karl Marx was a German philisopher, economist and social critic. With his writings The Communist Manifesto and Capital: Critique of Political Economy he became one of the masterminds of the Communism and thus had a huge influence on the history of the 20th century. He died on 1883 in London. Although his ideas were often critised, he is considered to have been one of the most important figures in the human history.

To commemorate Karl Marx' 200th birthday in 2018 the German Post issued a special stamp on 3rd May. Other special stamps were issued in China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Vietnam.

The house in Trier in which Karl Marx was born on 5th May 1818 is now used as museum. For his 200th birthday a big special exhibition is shown in four museums in Trier including the Karl Marx House and also for his 200th birthday the Peoples' Republic of China donated a huge monument to Trier, which was even shown on one of the Chinese stamps.

Apart from the two special postmarks shown above three more postmarks were available in Germany: one in Bonn where Marx studied, one in Jena where he was conferred a doctorate and one in Neuhardenberg which was known as Marxwalde in the German Democratic Republic.

Thank You very much Hanko for helping me with the Karl Marx cards!

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