
Monday, July 30, 2018

Israel: Necropolis of Bet She’arim

On Wednesday I got two postcards: one from Israel and one from Croatia.

The card from Israel shows the relief of a Menorah at the Necropolis of Bet She’arim. The Necropolis of Bet She’arim became the the primary Jewish burial place in the 2nd century after Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. It was a place of activity of Rabbi Judah the Patriarch and a centre of the Jewish renewal. The catacombs are descriped as a treasury of artworks and inscriptions in Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew and Palmyrene. Since 2015 is the Necropolis of Bet She’arim on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Festivals - Childhood Memories (from set of three) (issued 02-09-2015)

Thank You very much Marcel!

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