
Monday, August 20, 2018

Sweden: Great Pit at Falun

On Wednesday I got two postcards: one from Sweden and one from Malaysia.

The card from Sweden shows the Great Pit at Falun. Falun is a city in middle Sweden that is especially known for its mining history. Mining in Falun was first mentioned in the 13th century, but has probably already begun in the 9th century. Its main product was copper. The mine had its heyday in the 17th century, when it was one of the World's most important mining areas and gave Sweden a virtual monopoly on copper, that helped to fund various wars during Sweden's great power era. Copper production declined during the 18th century and in 1992 the mine was closed. The Mining Area of the Great Copper Mountain in Falun is since 2001 on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

With a nice stamp:
Fish in the Nordic Region (from set of five) (issued 03-05-2018)

Thank You very much Doris!

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