
Sunday, October 14, 2018

My Trip to Alfeld

On Tuesday I was in Alfeld and there I bought some cards for my collection.

Alfeld is a small town in the German State of Lower Saxony. It is a part of the German Timber-Frame Road.

The most famous sight in Alfeld is the Fagus Factory. The Fagus Factory is a shoe last factory, that was commissioned by its owner Carl Benscheidt and that designed by Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer between 1911 and 1925. It is a landmark in the development of modern architecture and industrial design and still today is used for the production of shoe lasts, although also a museum was established in a part of the complex. Since 2011 is the Fagus Factory in Alfeld on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Luckily they sold some matching stamps (issued 02-10-2014) at the museum's shop and I was able to send a card to myself, which arrived on Wednesday.

The Old Latin School was completed in 1610 and is a good example of the Weser Renaissance. Today it houses a museum about the history of Alfeld.

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