
Monday, November 26, 2018

covers from Germany

On Tuesday I got not only a postcard but also two covers from Germany.

Chocolate Cosmos (issued 03-12-2015)
with a special postmark about the Centenary of the Kiel Mutiny
The German Fleet was nearly not used during World War I and when the war was actually already lost, the imperial naval command planned a final battle against the Royal Navy in the English Channel. The preparations triggered a mutiny among the affected sailors in Wilhemshaven, which was actually suppressed shortly after, but when the commander believed that he was again master of his crews, another mutiny broke out in Kiel. The Kiel Mutiny turned into a revolution, soon spred across Germany and swept away the monarchy within a few days.

500 years Reformation (issued 13-04-2017)
with a special postmark about the 150th anniversary of the Luther Memorial in Worms

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