
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

cover from Italy

On Saturday I got not only a postcard but also a cover from Italy.

Italian Mail (from set of three) (issued 01-07-2010)
Centenary of the Victory (issued 03-11-2018)

Inside were two postcards about World War I.

The first card shows a tombstone from the Cimitero degli Invitti in Fogliano Redipuglia. The Cimitero degli Invitti was laid out in 1923. It was the first monumental memorial to the victims of World War I in the region, but lost much of its function when the big Redipuglia War Memorial was inaugurated in 1938.

The second card is a double-sided advertising card for the Italian World War I multimedia concert and movie Note dal fronte.

Thank You very much Cristina!

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