
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Switzerland: Grossmünster of Zurich

Last Friday I got two postcards: one from Switzerland and one from Germany.

The card from Switzerland shows the Grossmünster of Zurich. The Grossmünster is a Romanesque-style Protestant church and one of the four major churches in the city. Starting in 1519 Huldrych Zwingli initiated the Swiss-German Reformation from his pastoral office at the Grossmünster.

With a related stamp:
EUROPA (from set of two) (issued 24-05-1988)
Pro Patria (from set of four) (issued 30-05-1974)
Huldrych Zwingli - 500 years Reformation in Zurich and Southern Germany (issued 02-05-2019)
It is a joint issue with Germany.

Thank You very much Ulrike!

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