
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Italy: Turin

On Friday I got two postcards: one from Italy and one from Malaysia.

The card from Italy shows various views of Turin. Turin became the capital of the Duchy of Savoy in 1563 and in 1861, when the House of Savoy became Italy's royal family, Turin became the first capital of the unified Italy. Turin already lost the status as capital in 1865, but soon became an important centre of industry, especially of the automotive industry. In 1902 and 1911 the city hosted the Universal Exposition and in 2006 the Winter Olympics. Today is Turin the fourth largest city of Italy and the capital of the Piedmont Region. 

Italian Mail (from set of three) (issued 01-07-2010)
70 years UNICEF (issued 20-11-2016)
with a special postmark about the Turin International Book Fair

Thank You very much William!

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