
Monday, July 22, 2019

Israel: Yad Vashem

On 28th June I got four postcards: two from Israel and two from Germany.

The two cards from Israel are about Yad Vashem. Yad Vashem is Israel's official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. It was founded in 1953. The complex includes both institutions for the scientific study of the Holocaust and for the education of the larger public. Today it is Israel's second most visited tourist site. 

The first card shows the exit of the Holocaust History Museum. While the current museum was just opened in 2005, there has been already a museum at Yad Vashem since the beginning. In nine unterground galleries it tells the history of the Holocaust in chronological order from the Jewish life in Europa before the Holocaust, over the camps and the resistance to the new beginning in Israel. 

Mountains in Israel (from set of two) (issued 05-03-2019)

The second card shows the Children's Memorial. This memorial was erected in 1987 to remember the 1.5million children and young people, who became the youngest victims of the Holocaust.

Mountains in Israel (from set of two) (issued 05-03-2019)

Thank You very much Marcel!

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