
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Austria: Civilian City's Amphitheatre of Carnuntum

On 21st August I got three postcards: two from Austria and one from Germany.

One of the cards from Austria shows the Civilian City's Amphitheatre of Carnuntum. The Civilian City's Amphitheatre was the larger but younger of the two amphiteatres in Carnuntum. It was erected at the end of the 2nd century and could seat 13000 visitors. Today it is used as venue for a theatre festival. The Archaeological Park of Carnuntum got the European Heritage Label in 2013 and also seeks for the inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

EDIT: As of July 2021 Carnuntum is now inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the Danubian Limes.

Personalised Stamp
with a special postmark from the philatelic shop in Graz

Thank You very much Anita!

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