
Friday, January 3, 2020

My Trip to the Kunsthalle Bremen

Yesterday I visited the Kunsthalle Bremen.

The Kunsthalle Bremen is an art museum in Bremen. It was founded in 1849 and is today the only German museum with an extensive art collection from the 14th to 21st century which is still in private ownership. Its collection includes paintings by Claude Monet, Édouard Manet, Paul Cézanne, Lovis Corinth, Max Liebermann, Max Beckmann, Paula Modersohn-Becker and many others. Currently a special exhibition about icons is shown in the complete building and the permanent exhibition will just return in May. Highlights of the collection are currently shown in Bilbao.

Among the new stamps that were issued yesterday was also one about Vincent van Gogh's Field with Poppies, a painting from the collection of the Kunsthalle Bremen. To commemorate the issue of this stamp a special postmark was available, which I got on the card above.

I also bought a special limited edition cover with the new stamp and the special postmark.

On my way back home I made a small stop in Hanover. There I was able to buy a maxicard about another new stamp set. It shows a view of Bonn and the Siebengebirge.

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